Open Records

Right-to-Know Law

You have the right to request access to Mill Village Borough’s public records. Request for public records are to be made to the Open Records Officer. Requests may be submitted in person, by mail, by email, or by facsimile. Requests may be oral or written, and may be made using Mill Village Borough’s Public Records Request Form. The form is available from the Open-Records Officer, in the Mill Village Borough Office or online at

Additionally, requests may be made using the Pennsylvania Office of Open Records Uniform Request Form, available at

Regulations, policies and procedures of Mill Village Borough are available from the Open-Records Officer, in the Mill Village Borough Building, or online at

The Mill Village Borough Open-Records Officer may be contacted at:

Name:Catherine Wise
Address:P.O. Box 10
 Mill Village, PA 16427
Phone:(814) 796-2154

The Pennsylvania Office of Open Records may be contacted at:

Address:Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
 Office of Open Records
 Commonwealth Keystone Building
 400 North Street, 4th Floor
 Harrisburg, PA 17120-0225

Forms and Documents